
Pre-schedule your meeting with potential buyers and sellers

Buyer Seller Forum

The Buyer-Seller Forum facilitates direct contact between exhibitors and buyers from domestic and international markets through pre-scheduled meetings. This tailor-made match-making platform allows exhibitors to contact possible business partners filtered by branch, position or companies. In return it allows visitors to search for specific applications or brands.

In 2023 more than 150 meetings were conducted at the Buyer-Seller forum at the trade fairs.

Benefits of Buyer-Seller meetings

  • Pre-schedule meeting with leading brands
  • Generate more business
  • Meet national and international buyers
  • Form new strategic partnerships
  • Gain industry knowledge


The exhibition is extremely delightful and to be precise it is very informative. We see that exhibitors has come up with a new kind of innovation and higher technology. This platform gives you a very good exposure where in you get to interact and exchange valuable information with the industry people. We got to know about the latest trends in pharma industry over all.

Aparna Tripathi
  • Director
  • Pharma Nova, Exports Ltd.

Coming to this expo is a really good experience. I have attended this expo in China as well as in Vietnam. This exhibition really helps the companies in pharma and diagnostics in coordinating. This is helping the already growing market of analytical technologies. Hyderabad being the biotech market is the perfect venue for this expo.

Sumit Agarwal
  • Country Manager
  • Enzyme Research Laboratories (ERL), USA